Kohde Pitcher

Hello, my name is Kohde 👋

I'm an passionate indie developer coding ideas in my free time. Scroll down to see what I've been up to.

Currently Working At
My Projects


Decider comes with a bunch of wheels built in or you can easily make your own. Want to change the probability? We got that too!

Want to give your wheels some style? Then pick from some of our themes built in or make your own.

All data is stored entirely within your personal iCloud, and synced with all devices so you can spin wheels anywhere any time.

Coming Soon


Easy to use and customisable unit converter

Coming Soon

Races Count Down

Built as tool to make my life a bit easier in a previous career. It became a little annoying trying to check when the next thoroughbred race was starting especially when working in an area with low cellular reception. I instead built an app that let me look at the upcoming meetings and then save a list of races to then see a count down to each single race.

View on Github
My Open Source Work

You can see more of my work on Github

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Easy to use horizontal picker that mimics the look and feel of Apple's catergory picker in their Memoji builder screen. Allows for easy customisation of the look and functionality as well as customising each individual label shown in the picker.

View on Github
Contact Me

Send me a message and I'll respond when I can